
Chalets with Special offers

Chalets with special offers - for bargain hunters

Booking a chalet holiday with a special offer (other than a simple price reduction) is a great way to make your money go further. The trouble is that there are lots of different special booking offers out there and sometimes making sense of them can get confusing.

After conducting your chalet search on our website look out for the little 'OFFER' tag appears with the chalet listing. To see details of any booking offer simply hover your mouse over the 'OFFER' symbol to read more details. Booking offers for chalets can be anything in a range of discounts from free private nanny or childcare, to free resort transfers, holiday upgrades or a lift pass deal.

Chalet holidays with special offers - prices & availability

Early booking offers for chalet holidays

Tour operators running chalet holidays will commit to the renting of a chalet property for the whole winter season and will therefore be saddled with high fixed costs. If the same tour operator also offers flights as part of their package price then these fixed costs get even larger. It is therefore vital that chalet tour operators reach an occupancy level of approximately 75% throughout the season to cover those fixed costs.

If a tour operator/chalet company feels that a push for early sales of their product is needed then they will use an 'added value' offer to attract clients rather than a simple price reduction which can be seen as brand damaging. The value added early booking offers that we show in the chalet search below will generally last from early spring through to the end of summer.

The autumn months of September, October and November are traditionally the busiest months for ski holiday sales and very few offers of any type exist at this time. Demand is high and chalet operators do not need to market their products with added value offers or price reductions.

Discounted chalet holidays

As the start date for each holiday approaches tour operators with fixed costs may start to discount their holidays in order to sell any remaining chalet beds and flight seats. This discounting may start up to two months before a given departure. The beginning of January is the time that chalet companies start to switch from the use of 'value added' early booking offers used during the previous spring/summer to a more aggresive price lead promotion of their holidays. If you are looking for a discounted ski holiday then booking in early January, for travel later in the same month is recommended.

View all discounted chalet holidays - prices & availability

Chalets with Special offers

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Displaying 61 - 80 of 238 in total
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  • Funicular Funicular
  • Cable car Cable Car
  • Gondola Gondola
  • Chair lift Chair lift
  • Drag lift Drag lift
  • Map marker Property
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